Untitled Document
The Aircraft Log records all relevant flight data such as

  * Flight or block times,
  * Break times
  * Operationally-related expenses

Once the data was entered it becomes the basis for order-related billing and flight operational evaluation like the following examples:

  * Crew Duty Times
  * Flight dosimetry (calculation of radiation exposure)
  * Fuel duty accounting
  * Billing
  * Expense Account

and much more.

To make the flight data entry as easy as possible for you Aviation Office offers a MDCI (Mobile Data Collection Interface).

Detailed information:
(c) 2009 DECON Business Solutions GmbH  -  Kranichweg 28  I  68623 Lampertheim  I  Germany  I  Tel.: +49 (6206) 951990  I  Fax: +49 (6206) 951991